AcademicPortal. in

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Document Sl. No.: DVC:

About: is a portal designed to provide some online services to the academic institutes and related organizations in India. Actually, it was established to help the Alumni Association of the Dpartment of Botany of the University of Kalyani. As it is very difficult for an admin to maintain an updated contact list of all alumni of the department. But now it has been re-programmed in such a way that any institute and its departments may use this portal for the following services.

Contact Portal of Institutes:

With this portal, it is easy to maintain updated contact details of students and employees of the institutes.

Online registration and Certification for occasional events:

It is also very helpfull to enlist events online and to collect participants' data. And the most amazing thing is that the organisers can issue and sent certificates to the participants with a single click. Click here to know more...

Verify Documents:

With this service any document (issued from the portal) may be verified. For more see detils...

Integrated Membership:

This syatem also has a integrated system of membership data and fees collection. For more see details...